Certainly you noticed that Wetransfer adorns its download page wallpapers with surprising visual works by a wide variety of artists. Well, the data sending platform has a section called “This Works“, where they introduce the designers, illustrators, photographers, filmmakers, musicians and authors behind the work being displayed.
Last year were were pleasantly surprised about James Bullough‘s appearance in this selection of creators, but the one who recently inaugurated the “Street Art” section a couple weeks ago was none other than the brilliant Elian Chali. This interest reminds us Google‘s initiative that we show you some months ago.
So, don’t be at all surprised if one of these days you’re about to download something and you bump into a wall painted by this magnificent Argentine urban artist. We hope the list of names of this field will keep growing in the future.
2 What do you think?
muy buena opción para publicitar el arte!
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