Twelve hours of festival for the fourth edition of this social artisitic initiative is what awaits its visitors.
By continuing with the dynamic recovery of disused spaces in the process of the transformation which they are in, the event has this year focused on its participatory environment on being held in the area of Poble Nou.
This is the feeling which the announcement of this years Ús Barcelona has left us with. Food, music, art, communion with the space, free street-art tours, workshops for kids and surveys about the problems in the neighborhood. It was almost impossible to not find anything to do during this day.
The invited artists, all well committed to their surroundings and with a audience thirsty for urban art, where Hyuro, Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, Juan Cris, Miquel Santasusana, Ovni, Roadworth, Gleo, Edjinn, Fab Lab and OSS. They all left behind a spectrum of works with all from muralism to computer engineering, and with many of these activities having been especially contextualized for the spaces where they where carried out.
Photo credits: Laura Abad and Fernando Alcalá (Fujifilmxt10).
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