“It’s almost been a year now since NEWNOW set up the “Compartir Error 4.0” project. It was an large gathering of creatively restless people during which various collectives got together with their own tools, ideas and materials and got down to work in a festive manner in a small experiment linked to their usual practice. Within one common playful atmosphere, the activities included abstract painting done in turns, zine making, construction of labyrinths, production of fashion pieces, and projection of images or animations mixed with an improvised music rehearsal. All the activities intermingled the various authors and disciplines.
The day after this productive interaction, a drone was flown above the resulting chaos.
Here is the video that allows you to step inside.“
“Compartir Error” Chapter 4.4 15.01.17
“The flight of the drone the day after”, video by Germán Rigol.
Graphic design by Sara V. Mallo.
Music is a result of sound tests done by Ulldeter and Plom.
A project organized by Roger S. i R. within the Sala d’Art Jove program with sponsorship by Montana Colors and Moritz.
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