Two Barcelona restaurants will continue their commitment to creative events this 2018 thanks to the support of Montana Colors. One of the restaurants, Guzzo, is located in the Born neighborhood and the other, Metric Market, is on Avenida Diagonal.
- Miquel Wert, who you might remember for his participation in the 12+1 Project is the one who’s been chosen to decorate the walls in Guzzo this coming January 21st.
“In his art, Wert tries to explore the depth of melancholic and nostalgic memories, generally related with his own family history. Through his paintings and murals, he gives to his characters a deeper structure: sentimental and conscious, but also makes us questioning on our own identity.“
- Metric continues its erotic journey with the 7Ways2Love Project, placing the dance floor wall at the disposal of the Italian artist Mister Thoms the 14th of February.
“His skill to take sometimes serious objects and transform them into a funny story leaves a special trail from him in every mural he paints. Thoms is a storyteller with the ability to use any kind of technique to present his vision and he never stopped doing it since 1996.“
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