In the middle of last year we introduced you to Wetransfer’s “This Works” section. The online file exchange platform par excellence opted for promoting painting, illustration, and photography artworks as wallpapers, and amongst the selection they’ve included some street artists like Elian Chali and James Bullough.
“Martin Gordopelota admits that the world of amateur five-a-side football is a world away from the preening, posing professional leagues so many of us live and die by.” (Rob Alderson)
The initiative has been developing and has even changed its name to “We Represent”, offering a more carefully curated and varied platform. Of course, the ambitious art content expansion is accompanied by new creators who become a part of the Wetransfer art gallery. As expected, they also included two artists who have previously been included in MTN-World articles: Gordo Pelota and Mantra.
“After years of painting I found my own balance. I realized that I’m finally close to the definition of a mantra – repeating my proper mantra in painting, always with more concentration and assiduity.” (Mantra)
It’s worth mentioning that it is a great pleasure to click on a download link for files and come face to face with some colorful football jottings by the Argentine painter, or the giant butterflies by the French muralist. Undoubtedly, those small details definitely make someones day.
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