It seems that Pintando Muros is a recently launched platform that aims to give visibility to writers from the Iberian Peninsula through video interviews and Instagram posts. The Levante based Opiz was the first to be placed in the spotlight in front of the camera, but not without hiding his face of course.
“A panel lasts for 3 days or a week, but if you paint something that lasts for 12 years it’s more worthwhile.“
While accompanying him painting a handful of pieces on a drive through the streets, the protagonist answers the questions to a road trip interview. After a few introductory questions about his background, the writer discusses some interesting thoughts about the choice of surfaces, friendships, enemies in the graffiti world, and about his future.
This is an honest audiovisual portrait which summarizes this writer’s attitude and work in five minutes. We’ll have to stay tuned for the next “Pintando Muros” collaborations.
“As a kid I would go to the warehouses but the writers back then didn’t want me to paint there – the same writers who don’t paint any more.”
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