Threepack is a platform that works as a link between artists and clients in need of urban artists for their projects, in the public and also in the private sector, giving a second chance to the chosen building walls.
One of the last interventions in which they have been involved has taken place this past April in the Belgian town of Leuven. The action is part of the “More Colour on the Playground” project whose idea is to bring the colour of urban art to the walls of the schools.
The building of the Heilig Hart Instituut (HHK) / De Mozaïek Kessel-Lo has received the creative interaction of Digo Diego with his own personal stylistic language. Seven words, offered by the city council, have served as conceptual keys for the Iberian artist to represent the vision of the school and the growth of the kids.
Education is a continual process throughout our entire lives. In this artwork, the development and evolution are being represented as a stem from a plant, and its growth is being determined by various factors that play in our youth and everything that comes after. The road we walk is exciting and challenging, and the end goal is somewhat similar to reaching the moon.
Going side by side with our educational career is the extremely diverse society we grow up in, being represented by multiple planes and roads that we choose ourselves. It does not matter which stairs, steps, slopes, doors or windows you will choose: for each and every one of them you are guided by the context that surrounds us… The whisper of a bird. Returning is the trademark of the artist: black characters with a typical facial expression. Their arms and legs are ever-changing, showing the emotion of what goes around in their environment. In this case these figures are the eternal representation of pupils and students. Digo Diego
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