- Name: Abys
- Crew: At the beginning i was a member of some crews but today, no one of them is painting so I don’t have a crew. I just paint regularly with a few writers that I’ve met years later.
- City-country: Nancy in France
- Active since: I started painting in 2007
- Motivation to paint/message: when I was younger I drew a lot of comic characters that I imagined but when I started to paint graffiti, I wanted to try the realistic style, it was cool to learn the technique but after a few years I wasn’t interested anymore, so it’s been 3 years since I came back to what I always liked.
Today I have a lot of fun creating my characters, putting them in situations, and trying to tell little stories. To complete all that, I started to work on letterings for the past 2 years to embed my blaze in the scenes. I try to find small concepts to link the whole wall. When you have fun, motivation comes easy, so for now i am going to continue in this direction!
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