- Name: Simoni Fontana & Argiris Ser.
- Crew:
- City-Country: Thessaloniki and Corfu Island, Greece.
- Active since: Simoni since 2010. Argiris since 1993.
- Personal motivation/message: My style is characterized by an almost childlike innocence and is equally effective on tiny canvases as it is on giant murals.
My references draw from Japanese iconography, manga, filtered through a sensitive western outlook and personal aesthetics, dictated by pop surrealism. Further more folk art themes as well as Byzantine art reminiscences (golden background, halo) intermingled with each other witch often serve to enhance the narrative character of the composition. Above all, ambiguity, something hidden and even uncanny drive the viewer into the depths of her mysterious world where the familiar seems unusual and nothing is what appears to be. Ser’s drawing inspiration come from cartoons, nature, candy and video games, Ser’s work (a curiously eclectic blend of graffiti,comic culture and pop surrealism) employs an arsenal of monstrous but somewhat benign characters through glimpses and images of a bizarre parallel universe.
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