- Name: Juan Conde
- Crew: Oriental34, The Team, Crew del Sur.
- City-country: Montevideo, Uruguay, actually in Madrid, Spain (2019)
- Active since: 2006
- Personal motivation/message: I always liked to draw, read cartoons, create characters. Since I was a kid I wanted to be a comic artist, until I met graffiti and hip hop culture and I threw myself to make my own characters in the streets along with my first crew (cds).
Today I have more motivations and other ways of telling my stories but I think the essence is the same, what you do as a child as a game, if you continue to develop it becomes something more serious. My way goes that way trying to discover that I have turn it into symbols, characters, stories and paint it on walls.
Graffiti is a very wide world and that has allowed me to travel a lot and meet all kinds of writers, usually incredible people, hip hop is a big family spread all over the world so it will always be motivation for my work.
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