- Name: Andrea ‘Ravo’ Mattoni
- Crew: —
- City-country: Varese, Italy
- Active since: 1995
- Personal motivation-message: The principle motive of the project “Recovery of Classicism in the Contemporary World” is to unite. To unite the past and the present, the classical and the contemporary. To unite, from a methodological and personal perspective, the techniques that I learned through my academic studies and those that I developed while spray painting.
The project can be summed up as follows: to reproduce classical art on large walls, so that it is visible to all. Each work of art has been chosen specifically for the place where it is reproduced, thus inspiring direct dialogue within that space.
The resulting utopia that takes shape is that of a large open-air art gallery, featuring works that until now were exhibited, but rather “locked away” in the rooms of the most important museums in the world.
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