Ana Barriga Oliva, an artist from the province of Cadiz recognized in the national contemporary art scene, has been given the responsibility for closing the TÀPIA collective exhibition with a mural work in the La Sagrera neighborhood in Barcelona.
Different prizes in competitions, scholarships, and various fairs and organizations shows that Ana Barriga has become one of the most promising contemporary artists in Spain. Beyond her extensive cv, the best presentation for this 35-year-old native of Jerez is her sensational pictorial style, an expressive naturalism that reproduces the texture of porcelain with almost photographic fidelity.
Barriga has been the artist chosen to close the collective exhibition of TÀPIA, organized by the B-Murals platform in the exhibition space of Nau Bostik, in Barcelona. To end to the exhibition that has brought together 24 figurative mural artists and the interventions that have been developed in parallel, the Andalusian artist has projected her part in a mural format true to her particular trash-pop style. The mixed technique of Ana Barriga also includes aerosol within the different formats used, and it could not be any other way.
Fernando Alcalá and Álex Puig Ros have provided us with a handful of images from the process of this intervention that, through artistic his genius, is presented as the icing of a project that reaffirms the link between urban art and contemporary art.
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