In the current Covid-19 crisis, our responsibility is to protect ourselves and prevent the spread of the contagion.
Two weeks locked up at home…Crazy, right? Especially since graffiti writers creative space is the street. Outdoor.
We understand how frustrating this situation is. We know how eager you are to go out to paint, but our recommendation is that you don’t. There is a very famous phrase that summarizes this situation quite well: No man is an island.
For us, and for our family and friends and their families and friends. We have to stay home.
With that said, we are going to do two things. The first is to assume that you follow the rules. The second is to prepare yourself in case you skip them.
The masks that will protect you the most are the FFP2 (also called N95) and the FFP3. Make sure you have those on hand or failing that some other because something will do. And, wear gloves. Basically this is something most writers does every time they paint, but now for the sake of avoiding infections.
All this, counting that you do not present symptoms of the flu and that you manage to get out without being stopped to skip the state of alarm.
Here you can click a link to WHO where they explain how and when to use a mask. Cheer up everyone.
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