Days One is another famous name in graffiti coming out of Oceania. He’s a veteran writer who has developed a versatility with the spray can that allows him to reproduce practically everything he puts his mind to: from a personal and recognizable style of letters to realism through cartoon-like characters or more subtle designs.
He’s been selected as the next writer to go through interrogation by Montana Colors Australia and his 15 questions are an instant classic.
- What got you started in graffiti/street art? Was there a particular artist/person who motivated you to start or inspired you to pick up a can?
I was a pretty bad break-dancer before I got into writing and I grew up in the right area at the right time. It was all around me, a lot of my mates wrote — I was artistic and needed an outlet. I remember seeing old school Sydney hand-styles, incredible pieces on the train lines and guys painting legal walls in my neighborhood around 1986. One of my good mates brought some of Kade’s sketches to school in 1987. By 1988-1989 Mistery, Seems and Unique were owning Newtown and, from there, I was hooked.
- What’s your favourite style? What do you like to do the most, and what is the most challenging style for you so far?
80’s and 90’s Sydney-style and classic New York subway graffiti are my favorite styles. I like painting “DAYS” pieces first and foremost and the most challenging style so far would be continually developing my own.
- Are you painting for pleasure, or do you have a purpose or goal to achieve with your art?
Painting is always a pleasure, even if it is for work. I’m really privileged to always be exploring other types of art and mediums with what I do working for myself. I’ve got a background in sign-writing and graphic design. I’m constantly flipping between my outputs, from pieces, graffiti based murals, sign-writing, illustration, graphic design, typography, to custom graphics, pinstriping, oil painting and airbrushing. I always did art through school and my goal would be to keep doing it full time. - How often do you find yourself painting, and what is the most enjoyable subject matter for you to paint?
I often paint almost everyday due to my work, which I’m lucky to do. At the moment, my most enjoyable subject matter is to paint freehand portraits on a small scale.
- Are there any artists you are keeping an eye on right now?
My bro Peque put me on to Kim Jung Gi, and I’m regularly keeping an eye on his work. The guy is absolutely amazing. Check him out for mind blowing freehand illustrations.
- If you could paint with any artist right now, who would you want to team up with?
Anyone who is cool, down to earth and likes to think outside the box.
- In your opinion, what artists do you think are killing it at the moment?
There’s way too many to mention, both locally and internationally that never cease to amaze me. I’m constantly seeing incredible artists everywhere killing it across a lot of mediums and formats.
- What’s your favorite surface to paint?
Anything and everything.
- What’s your favorite/most used cap?
I have many favorites depending on the application, however my most used would be New York fat caps.
- If you could choose only one color palette – what colors would you use?
I really dig greyscale, with potentially one other color to provide contrast and pop.
- What is your perfect painting day? What was your worst painting experience?
A perfect day would be a chilled jam with nice beats, painting with mates and doing a piece I’m really happy with. The worst experience is dealing with annoying clients.
- You have one choice of paint, MTN 94 / MEGA / Hardcore / Water Based – which would you choose?
MTN 94s. They are my go-to a large percentage of the time. From painting walls to commercial work, through to my canvases, they fit my needs the best. You can also use an astro cap or similar and empty them quickly if required.
- If you could choose anywhere to paint, where would you go?
It would probably be back in time to the 80’s New York subway or Sydney rail system.
- What was your most favorite piece/art done so far?
That’s tough to answer, probably my favorite one would be the multi colored piece below from 2012.
- Lastly, What soundtracks you got bopping while you paint? Can you list 5 tracks to share with the MTN family?
Please see below. In no order.
–Suntoucher – by Groove Armada feat. Jeru the Damaja
–Don’t Sweat The Technique – by Eric B and Rakim
–I Changed My Mind – by Lyrics Born
–Whats Golden – by Jurassic 5
–Lady Don’t Tek No – by Latyrx
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