Hosk Rodríguez, Isaac Mahow, Koan, Saurus, Rude, and Trudy Muller are the creators of the spark that gave rise to “Obnoxia, Ideas bajo pandemia”. Yet another piece of evidence that proves that art, apart from being therapeutic, is solidary.
Wonderful, that is Obnoxia. Not only for the careful editing by Black Bible Book, or for the precious cover from Kitos Design.
Not even for the 320 pages that 150 artists (tattoo artists, illustrators and graffiti writers) have filled with their view of the world. Not only for those reasons.
Add the intention behind it: remembering, reflecting and changing direction as a collective seems to be one of the ways to get something positive out of these tumultuous times we live in. React as human beings, so that situations like these does not repeat, protect the disadvantaged and invest in the community. The benefits will be donated for the development of a vaccine against Covid-19 by the CSIC, which we hope will happen soon so that we can end this quarantine as soon as possible.
Apart from the contribution of the 150 artists, people from the artworld and the music scene have joined the initiative by selflessly supporting, helping this initiative to reach the largest possible audience, from singers such as El Canijo de Jerez, El Niño de la Hipoteca, Gato Charro, Gordo Master, Green Valley, Juanito Makandé, LA M.O.D.A, Los Chikos del Maiz, Putolargo, Rapsusklei, Rozalén, Sharif and ToteKing, to comedians such as Ernesto Sevilla or Jaime Caravaca.
If you are interested in knowing more about the project, or purchasing the book, you can find more information here.
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