Oliver Ney is a Parisian artist who makes some of the most creative kinds of paintings, using recycled spray nozzles.
As you know, recycling our packaging is a very important part of the Montana Colors philosophy. In fact, the cardboard bins that are at our points of sale serve to help separate the aerosols directly from the rest of the waste and thus speeding up the recycling process.
Beyond this, we are always very interested in artistic proposals that are committed to reusing aerosols which, in many cases, are especially amusing due to their creativity. However, the case of Oliver Ney focuses on a very specific issue: that of the caps and diffusers.
This Parisian artist proclaims himself a disciple of “pointillism,” as his paintings decompose the images represented in color dots, achieving an aesthetic equivalent to digitalized pixels. What’s intriguing here is that each “pixel” consists of a recycled nozzle, that has been painted to fit into the image, and then attached to the base. It’s unique and meticulous work — in some of his pieces he has needed a whopping 3000 caps. As you can imagine, all the paint he uses to give color to the nozzles comes from the MTN 94 range.
Works like Oliver Ney’s, again, give us the satisfaction of knowing that “not everything has been invented yet.”
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