- Name: Karolina Wojcik, Pistolina
- Crew:
- City-country: Malmö, Sweden
- Active since: As a professional painter/muralist, since 2006. Ish… Before that, I basically owe my interest in graff to my older brother, who painted in the 90’s
- Personal motivation-message: Being heavily influenced by graffiti and urban street culture since a formative age, I’m basically obsessed with techniques and imagery from the afore mentioned, mixing bold lines, typography and bright colors in a contradistinctive style. In addition to other stylistic preferences, such as comics, pop art and graphic design, I have a massive fondness of creating references in different levels of not-too-obvious, by playfully using words and letters, mainly Swedish slang and curse words, as shapes rather than an actual meaning.
Also, all that while exploring dynamics through geometry and ambiguous imagery, carrying a humoristic, satirical undertone, purposesly interweaved to a balanced entirety, to establish an objective aesthetic. Because, one: who actually likes being told what to do (or see)…? And two: overanalyzing isn’t really that intriguing.
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