Some thirty wagons have been parked in the official Montana Colors store in Madrid, all of them are covered with pieces. It’s all for the exhibition Paint a System! which has brought together some of the capital’s most notable graffiti writers and artists to paint on miniature trains.
From legendary names like Snow QSC, Zeta, Spok and Beto, to currently very active writers like Z Rock, Asya and Keant, as well as unconditional classics like Ryze, Sarayk, Mamon, Blize and Done. Paint a System! has also mobilized the friends and clients of Montana Shop Madrid for an exhibition project that brings together different generations of writers and styles from across the city.
Participants had fourteen days to work on the MTN System miniature wagons from various cities. The result is an amazing and incredibly varied collection of styles, projected on the models of cardboard trains ranging from New York to Paris, from Barcelona to Stockholm.
This exhibition was carried out with the idea of stimulating the feeling of community among the writers of Madrid, so the pieces weren’t created with the idea of being put up for sale. However, we’ve already seen plenty of comments on social networks asking about whether these pieces can be purchased. So, in the event that someone is interested in acquiring any of these miniature wagons, they can contact the artist in question directly. You can find the list below.
We leave you with some images below to serve as a taste of what you can find inside the Montana Shop Madrid, but we highly recommend that you visit the establishment to appreciate each of the pieces in detail, as well as the wide array of creative diversity in this exhibition.
Snow @snow.qsc
Jeos @jeosmdkb
Novi @novidkb
Hinak @hites.hitem
Asben @ace.bentura
Colh @colhbys
Soda @insta_soda_gram
Spok @spokbrillor
Sarayk @sarayk_dkb
Mamón @ma_money
Blize @blize77
Teki @tekiuno
Veist @v.dtcity
Beto @betolandsky
Zeta @zeta1970
Saker 414 @saker414
Dune @wonderdune
Keant @keant
Kans 115 @kans115
ZRock @zz.rock
Ryze @ryze.1
Heks @onerheks
Snack @esnaking
Viru @habiibii_nai
Idose @method.2my.madness
Danie @danielluengo1992
Blize @blize77
Toes @acid.t
Sabek @sabeknonsense
Fley @fleismo
Asia @asyarnw
Albhe @albh.e
Dms @demeseone
Selva @salvaje_selva
Kate @melasbailotodas
Sueko @kiko_swedish
Adios @adioserone
Suon @ladysuon
Sonek @son3k_son3k_son3k
Done @done_street2home
Fyas @poyofrito
Ruina @elreydelaruina
Shin @lachicadiamantes
Yes @yes.jm
Temu @temu.jin
Show @_arrozpegaoo
Wist @wisteroner
Marest @antonyomarest
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