- Crew: BTH (Bringing the heat)
- Founded: 2010
- Countries: Canada-Montreal.
- Original members: Jaker, Legal, Pease, Xray, Drifo, Dems, Niel, Zion, Quote, Jmoe, Heavy, Kwun, Oper, Cast, Some, Asar, Nesar, Hyke, Mos, Killa-ef.
- Current members: Jaker, Legal, Pease, Xray, Drifo, Dems, Niel, Zion, Quote, Jmoe, Heavy, Kwun, Oper, Cast, Some, Asar, Nesar, Hyke, Mos, Killa-ef.
- Philosophy: One life to live.
- Tradition: We eat and we eat good.
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