- Name: Pablo Nake
- Crew:
- City-country: I’m from a small town, Cájar, in the belt of Granada, Spain. But this is just a place, my real homeland are Jacin Megías and Manuel Ferrer, my parents, that’s where I’m from.
- Active since: I started tagging in 1996 but it wasn’t until 1997 when I did my first piece.
- First piece: I only have a very bad picture. At that time only a few had digital camera and almost everything was analogic. The piece was a Nake with the letters in blue and white. Before that I only had seen graffiti a couple of times. The one that marked me the most was a Jam held in a well known hall in Granada where graffiti writers from different parts of the country came and brought new tricks I had never seen before. There were only a few magazines, no internet, blah blah blah blah I’m very old ha ha ha ha.
- Favorite piece: I have no predilection for any of them, it’s like asking me for my favorite child. I love them all equally (pieces and daughters). But I love to paint on Paper, canvas, flask wall, brick, concrete (mmmm concrete makes me shiver), and last but not least (and it’s true that I’ve painted a few and it’s been a long time since the last one) the surface that moves on rails is the favorite of any graffiti writer. I have painted for private and public entities, even the facade of the town hall of Aldeire, although modest for the small amount of inhabitants, receives a significant amount of tourism and that represents a responsibility and a challenge that I love to take on. I also painted a small chapel in Castilléjar and many other smaller but no less important pieces, such as the courtyards of many schools and institutes where I think it is so important that they are spaces with color. But the highlight of my career is yet to come. I am reaching my artistic maturity.
- Style: This is a pending issue. I findhard to define myself about style. I do characters, realism,but also letters, some mode pastel, some 3d style, design, ignorant style wich I love but i don’t do wild style, I have a lot respecto to do that.
- Partners in crime: Reti, Elniñodelaspinturas, Drew, MaríaDie, Rakis, Cer2, Wars, Ribon, EC13, Rambo, LJDA crew, ADT, Mase….
- Favorite cap: Hardcore fatcap and transversal fatcap.
- Personal motivation: What drives me to paint walls? Many times on the street, when we were starting out, we were asked; – why do you do it? And I never knew how to answer that. At the beginning, I think it was to feel accepted by others, it was a way to belong to a group, that youthful or teenager need to feel included, but soon it was a matter of self-improvement, trying to do better and better, achieving new goals. Later the applause fed the ego and everyone likes that, also, almost without realizing I began to be paid to paint and today it is my job. But if tomorrow I won the lottery, I would continue painting and I think what would motivate me to do it is that I think I do fucking great graffiti and it would be a shame if no one saw them lol 😆 this is the graffiti ego.
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