Llega la nueva pintura Tempera para rellenar rotuladores, pintar con pincel, aerógrafo…
12 colores que coinciden con la gama «MARCADOR» de los Marcadores MTN, con una densidad perfecta tanto para utilizar directamente con pinceles o aerógrafo, como para rellenar rotuladores o “squeezers”. Además, al ser a base de agua, permite limpiar fácilmente las manchas y/o restos.
Con un acabado mate y una muy buena cubrición, los colores pueden mezclarse entre si ofreciendo infinitas posibilidades. Disponible en envases de 250ml con tapón dosificador.
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Hi Host Basically that Tempera Paint is formuled with Water Based paint and Street Ink with alcohol. All the best
whats the difference between the tempera paint and the street ink? thanks
Hola Jose Francisco Puedes ponerte en contacto con nuestro distribuidor en Colombia: Dmental Graffiti (Bogotá) dmental.graffiti@hotmail.com Saludos
hola buenas tardes soy de barranquilla colombia quien me puede dar informacion donde puedo comprarlos se los agradeceria
how can i slow down the drying time? i try to use the colours in my airbrush but the colour is drying too fast on the needle. And what kind of binder is used? is it an acrylic formula or gum arabic? can i use an acrylic retarder?
I filled in in 94 and at me very dense paint very much very much turned out and killed a tip of a tager
add color directly to the marker or to be put in water? tempera can mingle with alcohol for faster drying?
can this be used to refill the mtn94 markers? Yes (enamel based paint) can the paints be mixed together & Yes you can mix it but you have to shake well before use. If you dont use it for a long time you can see that the water will be separated from the paint but you just have to shake it well again. will it daamge the nib if put into an emplty (used) mtn94 marker? cheers dont know this 100%, but we think theres no problem with this... All the best
can this be used to refill the mtn94 markers? (enamel based paint) can the paints be mixed together & will it daamge the nib if put into an emplty (used) mtn94 marker? cheers
Hola Erse Para encontrar este material en Mexico has de ponerte en contacto con neustro distribuidor allá: http://www.loshappypeople.com/_site08/index.html Amatlán 105, condesa Mexico D.F. MEXICO Tel. (0152) 5256.1444 Saludos!
se ven muy buenas hacen envios para mexico?
holap panitas solo queria saber si esque tienen una cap llamada stencil y si tienen alien y micro me pueden decir por favor geacias saludos
Habrá que probarlo!
is it will be available on allcity webstore?
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